Donnerstag, 7. April 2016

Kickstarter Campaign Progress - CitiesUP City Simulation

Hi Backers,
It is Update Time!
We, at spectacled Bear Games, are eagerly working to bring CitiesUP to you. We have ordered 60% of the components. It will take our suppliers several weeks to deliver the components.
We are working really hard to get a lot of thinks done. 
- We have completed the manual. It is going into review and proofreading now.
- Box design is nearly completed and will also go into proofreading now.
- Super Supporters will be contacted for submitting their ideas for Disaster Cards soon .
- We are calculating and thinking of improving the Building and Field Cards quality to linen cards .
- As soon as the proofreading of the manual will be finished, we will upload the manual for download (expected in 2 weeks from now)
Thank you so much for supporting and backing CitiesUP.
Spectacled Bear Games

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