Mittwoch, 4. Mai 2016

Kickstarter Survey, Retail Version and Production Process on CitiesUP.

Hello Backers,
It is update time and we have lots of stuff to share with you.

First: Thank you all for your tremendous feedback on our cards and rule book.
We have corrected and uploaded the new cards. The updated manual will be online by the end of next week. The promised German rule book will be available for download at launch.

About right now:
Our production is taking progress. We managed to count and pack all 56.000 player and resource tokens. In addition, we crafted all building tokens as well.
Two weeks ago we planned to order our cards and boards. Unfortunately, our supplier changed his production method. We are still on time for our estimated shipping in July. But we want you to have the best possible quality. So we decided to take a look at the new production results before we will order the cards and boards. This means, if the quality fits our expectations, we will be able to order by the end of the week.

About retail version:
A lot of people are asking us, if there will be a CitiesUP retail version.
We can confirm now, that we will sell a strong limited quantity of CitiesUP via our website . We strongly believe in Kickstarter and our backers and thought about the right price. As our supporters, you made that game possible. Without you CitiesUP would not exists and we do not want you to feel angry about the retail price.
We have decided to go with the $99 price tag. This includes worldwide shipping.
This is not cheap, but pays tribute to our Kickstarter backers and the lower prices they got.
The retail version will be identical with our BASIC pledge level reward and will include all achieved stretch goals.
The retail version will be up for sale when we start shipping the pledge rewards versions.

As you may know, Kickstarter allows us to survey our backers for essential information like shipping addresses. Our estimated shipping time is July. Therefor we will start surveying shipping addresses and Names, especially for our rule book (this concerns Super Supporters and Kickstarter Special backers only) by next week. This will allow all backers to take the time they need to fill out the forms. The survey will be done by the end of may.  

This was a huge update on our progress. If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact us via

Thank you very much for supporting CitiesUP on Kickstarter.

Spectacled Bear Games

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