Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2016

Progress on our CitiesUP Kickstarter Campaign

Hi Boardgamers,
it is time for an update.
The last couple of weeks headed to further progress concerning our manufacturing and shipping progress. Our american manufacturer sent us the final building cards, field cards, city boards and credit tokens. We received 23 packages full of components and they looking great.

One of our german manufacturers sent us the final box enclosures and the colors and fitting works great with the game box. As mentioned in our previous update, we expecting the last 250 boxes to arrive in the first week of July. As soon as we will receive this boxes, we will start our packaging process to ship CitiesUP around the world. 
We gave our rule book a major update and it is available for download now. We especially improved the game setup and the how-to-play sections.
Some of you have noticed, that we moved our website and store to another provider. We are now able to accept additional payment methods like PayPal. We happy to offer these additional payment methods and follow your request.
To celebrate the immanent shipping of CitiesUP and our new online shop we created a contest. The contest runs until Saturday, 18th of June. Participate to win a copy of CitiesUP. 

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