Montag, 30. November 2015

Choosing the right Materials for a Board Game - CitiesUP

Hi Boardgames,
when we decided to develop CitiesUP, we just started to design and play the game. We did not thought about calculations and price tags.
But over the time, when the process startet to gain speed, we came back to the chart and thought about the price tag, the production costs and shipping.
CitiesUP Field Cards
The amount of tokens raised one important question:
Should we go plastic to lower production cost?
Definitely, it would have an effect on the price tag. It was not only tokens, but packaging as well. To lower the price tag, we would have to make some changes in quality. But if we lower the quality, could we ever sell a game?
It became pretty clear that we could not compete with normal price tags on the market. But after we have thought it  trough it came to us "we don´t have to!". Of cause the game should be worth its money your folks spent. But would´t it be better to spend ten bucks more and get a way better quality? We do think so.
So CitiesUp will be a tabletop board game made of paper and wood tokens. CitiesUP Resource Tokens
There will be no plastic and we will ship internationally.
The Card quality will be like cards from the famous game "Magic the Gathering" and the building tokens will be made of oak. We also thought about the environment. Of course the tokens will be painted, but we thought, at least the wood should be certified. So it´ll be.

CitiesUP Credit Tokens
The finals prints will be out of factory in a couple of days and will ship. So stay tuned. We are so excited to see the final results. We keep you folks updated.

UPDATE: final prints arrived

Keep on playing

Spec Bear Games

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