Sonntag, 29. November 2015

Creating CitiesUP - A tabletop city board game

When we decided to create our really own board game it was just sparkle of an idea. We wanted to create a city building tabletop board game. We wanted to create a game for folks to interact and communicate and where decisions can effect one, a few or all players. Our goal was to develop a tabletop city building game with a few rules and a lot of freedom. And: The game should be expandable.
We startet with a square board. That was our city. The player should be able to place buildings anywhere they like. The effect is simple: Every city in CitiesUP is unique. It has its own dynamics, feel and look. The more players, up to 4, play on one board, the difficulty starts to rise slowly, but evolves quickly.
The random occasion of building cards offered by the demand deck also makes every game of CitiesUP kind of unique. In addition the field card deck plays tricks on one, a few all our players every time a player picks up a card in the beginning of his or her turn.

Buildings have be placed carefully on the board. Every building card has a special bonus pattern. If the pattern is fulfilled, the player collects bonuses. Bonuses and taxes, as well as upkeep are summed together as the score. The player with the highest score does win the game.
We really thought about production and materials. We were aware of the fact, that CitiesUP can never be a 0.99$ Game. Caused by the amount of tokens, buildings and different kind of cards (also in size) the game could never be sold for $30. 
So we have decided to pick manufacturer in the US and Germany to offer a good quality. We also thought about the quality of tokens. Plastic? Yeah its cheap. Literally! So all tokens of CitiesUP will be wood and paper work.
Keep on playing 
Spec Bear Games

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